Gee there are a lot of decisions to make through this process.
I've been putting off the decision about whether I should have radiation therapy, even though my doctor has been highly recommending it. So I gathered information from several sources, and I finally decided to go ahead and do it. It will start within the next 2 weeks. The bottom line -- I'm at high risk, and I don't want to go through chemo again! At least this process will be easier than the chemo.
There's a risk that the radiation could damage the tissue expanders I have in my breasts (part of the reconstructive process), but my plastic surgeon recommends that I don't put off medical treatment. [Gotta respect a plastic surgeon who puts medical care first.]
Wonder if I'll glow in the dark?!!!
[PS. Radiation therapy starts on Monday, April 11 -- every day for 8-9 weeks.]
If you glow in the dark, can I sell tickets? LOL! You are going to do great with this... you are getting closer to the finish line everyday!!!