Thursday, April 7, 2011


I love that it's finally Spring.  This has always been my favorite season, when everything comes alive -- including me!

I love working in the garden, even the dirty spring cleanup stuff.  I love feeling the breeze across my face and the sun on my skin.

I especially love planting flowers and getting my hands in the dirt. It's those times I really feel grounded and connected to Mother Earth. I love watching the new growth.

And I really love sitting back after it's done and enjoying the beauty God has created.

I love listening to the birds with their chirping and singing.  They like to gather early in the morning in the pyracantha bush outside my bedroom window -- it usually wakes me up, and I love even that.

I love sitting on my patio in the busy quiet stillness going on around me.  And just BEING a part of something so much bigger than I could ever imagine.


  1. Beautiful... Happy Spring my Friend! :)

  2. This is wonderful news that you can get outside and enjoy the sunshine! Renewing your spirit is sooooo fulfilling!
