Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Who Am I?

Who am I?  Who is this person I've become?

This journey has been fraught with a multitude of twists and turns and ups and downs.  I've been forced to look deep within myself to find strength, patience, and grace.  In my darkness I realized that all of this comes from the Divine, and this relationship became stronger than ever. 

Situations arose that brought many negative and ugly aspects of  me to the surface [gosh I hope there aren't more!], and I've had to examine and deal with them.  And grow.  I'm learning to love myself in a way I never had before, even the less than perfect aspects of myself.  As a recovering perfectionist, I'm learning to embrace the imperfections -- the perfectly imperfect.  I'm learning to let go of the things [physical AND emotional] that are no longer needed.   I feel lighter, clearer and cleaner.

Relationships changed.  Some dear friends hurt me deeply.  People popped up in unexpected places and times to provide the support and guidance I needed.  Other relationships have deepened.  Those who are closest to me have watched this journey and provided so much support [you know who you are] -- you have no idea how thankful I am and how much I love you!

Who am I?  I'm a beautiful and cherished child of God in a constant state of becoming. 

Where am I going?  I'm not sure, but I know this is just the beginning of something special and wonderful!

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