Friday, July 15, 2011

The Things They Don't Tell You

Right now I'm being treated for some type of bronchitis/laryngitis --- a side effect of the radiation.  I've been fighting this for almost 6 weeks now.  I've been on 2 antibiotics, a fungicide and may have to go on another.*

Gee, my oncologists are soooooo adamant that the drugs they're pushing [chemo and radiation] are so safe.  My radiation oncologist even showed me a picture showing where the radiation went and where the voice box is, and assured me there was no way radiation was getting to the voice box.  I asked my ENT [ear, nose & throat] doctor if my oncologist is aware of this and he gave me a big "oh yeh." 

A woman in my lymphedema support group got Bell's Palsy as a side effect of radiation therapy...

The upside is that I've been assured this will not last forever and that I will sing once again.

*I'm avoiding yeast infections by taking acidophilus.


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