Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Embarrassing Moment

OK, we all have embarrassing moments.  But I had an interesting one today.

We have some really windy days up here in Prescott [elevation 5368 feet].  But it didn't seem so bad, so I set out to Red Robin for my free birthday burger.  I decided to wear a wig [still have very little hair], and since I wasn't going anywhere else I didn't bother using tape to hold it down.

The burger was GREAT!  Red Robin sits up a little high and the wind was REALLY whipping around there.  As I walked out of the restaurant, my wig went flying!  Thankfully, I was able to get it quickly.

And, thankfully, no one saw it, but I still was embarrassed!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Invasion

Last night when I came home late from my birthday karaoke party, I discovered that the strawberry plants I planted earlier this week had been munched on, as well as a kale.  All of them were out of their containers [I believe the aggressors were havelina -- they tend to be really messy].  So today I put everything back together.  They look pretty pitiful, but I'm hopeful they will survive.

This reminded me of my current situation.  In the past few months, I've been invaded by cancer, a bilateral mastectomy, chemotherapy, and now radiation therapy.  I've suffered several side effects from these, and I'm not exactly feeling up to par right now.  But I know I WILL survive.

No, I will THRIVE!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I love that it's finally Spring.  This has always been my favorite season, when everything comes alive -- including me!

I love working in the garden, even the dirty spring cleanup stuff.  I love feeling the breeze across my face and the sun on my skin.

I especially love planting flowers and getting my hands in the dirt. It's those times I really feel grounded and connected to Mother Earth. I love watching the new growth.

And I really love sitting back after it's done and enjoying the beauty God has created.

I love listening to the birds with their chirping and singing.  They like to gather early in the morning in the pyracantha bush outside my bedroom window -- it usually wakes me up, and I love even that.

I love sitting on my patio in the busy quiet stillness going on around me.  And just BEING a part of something so much bigger than I could ever imagine.