Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Two Years and Counting

So I just had an anniversary.  I've been a cancer survivor for two years now.  I sure don't feel like a survivor.

I'm still being ambushed by complications from the cure.  I'm bleeding every day, and have 3 more surgeries ahead of me.  I'm in pain every day.  I'm in and out of doctors' offices.  The lymphedema in my arm is constant.

I had to stop taking my hormones, and my body isn't getting the estrogen needed for a full head of [albeit still thin and fine] hair.  And the hot flashes.....

Not to mention the continually mounting medical bills.

In 2005 a dear friend of mine was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer and chose not to undergo treatment.  I'm not going to go into all the reasons that went into this decision, but I always supported it.  She passed shortly thereafter, no longer in pain.  God, I miss her.

So this is what survival feels like.  There's got to be a better way.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


So, here's the thing.  It's been a long time since I started on my cancer treatment.  I am cancer free; and still suffering from complications post radiation therapy.  The doctors in Prescott are thinking I need some reconstructive surgery that will bring some good tissue from another area of my body to the breast which is still bleeding and hopefully stop the bleeding without causing another seroma.  They don't do this type of surgery in Prescott, and it has been suggested I go to Mayo Clinic in Phoenix [they don't participate with my insurance BTW].  I heard some good things about Mayo so I made an appointment.

This morning I spoke with someone from the Arizona Institute for Breast Health [www.aibh.org] where I got my [free] second opinion before my mastectomy in 2010.  I was given the name of a plastic surgeon on their board who is in Scottsdale, and he was highly recommended.  [Funny, the other day I was online checking out their board members online and really got a good feeling about this doc.]  So I called and made an appointment for July 5 [and, hurray, they take my insurance] and canceled my appointment with Mayo.

I've been concerned about the possibility of another major surgery.  But I feel confident I'm going to see the right doctor and whatever decision is made will be the best. 

So I'm going to take a deep breath and Let Go and Let God!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Man Named Martin

The first time I saw Martin at karaoke I remember thinking how strange this man was.  When he sang, he would kneel, or do air guitar, march, and use all sorts of gestures acting out the song.  I'm ashamed to say it took a very long time for me to realize Martin was singing with passion, and by singing with passion he put everything into it without fear of how anyone else would feel about it.  And by doing this he really, really enjoyed, and lived, the song.

As I got to know Martin personally, I realized that he was a man of passion in all walks of his life.  Sad to say, it's a hard thing to find nowadays.  Everyone is so afraid of showing how they feel, they cut themselves off from really truly living.  And, in life, that's where the real love is.  Even when it hurts.

Now Martin is marching with the saints in rock-and-roll heaven with a big karaoke audience who don't think he's strange.  He can see the big screen with his perfect vision.  When he's doing air guitar [or drum, or sax, etc], a host of angelic musicians are playing along [Jimi, Stevie Ray, John Bonham, to name a few].  When he's gesturing, he's leading a choirs of angels [Janice, Michael, Jim Morrison, ....].  And when he's kneeling [without pain], he's praising the Lord, with all of his heart and soul.

I hope my karaoke friends will dedicate a song to Martin -- and SING YOUR HEART OUT!

You will not be forgotten, my passionate friend.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How Many Teardrops

How many teardrops can one person shed?  [96Tears]  I thought I'd cried as many as one could possibly, but....

Watched a fun video today from The Breast Cancer Site Shake Your Booty for Breast Cancer Awareness and started sobbing.

 I cried for all the physical pain I've endured.  I cried for all the things that didn't go right.  I cried for the time lost. And I cried just because.

I also cried for everyone else who has gone through this and for those that will be going through this in the future.  And I cried for those that didn't complete the journey.

So how many teardrops can one person shed?  An infinite amount!